Fiber Supplement
 Fiber Supplement

Dietary fiber has many important benefits for health, and it is possible to take an adequate portion of it either by eating foods rich in it or by taking dietary fiber supplements in some cases. So what do you need to know about fiber supplements? The answer is in the following:

What are fiber supplements?

Dietary fiber supplements are supplements that may be used to meet the body's daily needs for dietary fiber, which may help the body reap some of the many benefits of fiber.

Many different types of dietary fiber supplements are available commercially, some made specifically from the husks of psyllium husk, which are a type of soluble fiber.

Although getting dietary fiber through supplementation may seem like a good idea to some, these supplements have some caveats and harms that you should be aware of before resorting to this type of supplement.

Types of dietary fiber supplements

These supplements are manufactured in several different forms, such as:


Chewable supplements.

Powders that can be dissolved in food or beverages.

Chips are like biscuits.

Fiber supplements usually contain a special type of fiber called functional fiber, which is a type of fiber that can be extracted from natural sources or can be manufactured in a laboratory. Here are some examples:

Natural active fibers, such as: Lignin, Pectin, and Psyllium.

Laboratory-made active fibers, such as: Maltodextrins and Polyols.

Benefits of fiber supplements

Taking fiber supplements may help make it easier to reach the recommended daily intake of fiber and fill in any dietary fiber deficiency. When the body gets enough fiber, this may help:

1. Improve cardiovascular health

Fiber may help reduce the risk of developing some cardiovascular diseases, due to its potential to:

Reducing bad cholesterol in the body.

Resistance to infections of the circulatory system.

Lowering high blood pressure levels.

It should be noted that the only type of fiber supplement that can lower cholesterol levels is often one made with psyllium.

2. Reduce body weight

High-fiber diets may have a positive effect on body weight. Because fiber can promote feelings of fullness for longer, eating fiber may help reduce appetite and, in turn, reduce the amount of food eaten each day, which may contribute to weight loss.

3. Regulating blood sugar

Dietary fiber, especially soluble fiber, may help reduce the gut's ability to absorb sugar, which may help maintain healthy blood sugar levels and lower your chances of developing type 2 diabetes.

4. Improve digestive health

Eating dietary fiber on the digestive system may have many wonderful benefits, such as:

Reducing the symptoms of the following problems: hemorrhoids, diarrhea, and constipation.

Preventing some diseases of the digestive system, such as colorectal cancer.

When to resort to fiber supplements?

Dietary fiber may be used in the following cases:

Going through the transition from a low-fiber diet to a high-fiber diet.

Difficulty sticking to a diet rich in natural sources of fiber.

Recommendations for the use of fiber supplement 

It is best to follow these recommendations if you want to start taking a fiber supplement:

Start with a small dose and then increase it gradually as needed.

Consult your doctor, especially if you are taking certain medications, and if your doctor permits supplementation with medications, he will often recommend a 1-2 hour interval between taking fiber supplements and medication.

Drink at least a glass of water with a fiber supplement each time you take these supplements, and drink enough water throughout the day.

Take only a moderate dose of these supplements, as taking large amounts of them may impair the body's ability to absorb important nutrients from food.

Disadvantages of fiber supplements

These are some of the negative points associated with taking fiber supplements:

Fiber supplements not only provide the body with fiber, unlike natural sources of fiber, which not only provide the body with fiber, but also provide it with many important nutrients.

Scientists have not yet been able to be certain about the benefits of these supplements, and whether they are able to provide the body with the same benefits as natural fibers or not, so these fibers are often used only to combat constipation.

Here are the main disadvantages of fiber supplements:

Stimulating choking, constipation or abdominal cramps, especially when taking these supplements without drinking enough water.

Stimulating digestive disturbances, such as bloating, and gas, especially when you start taking fiber supplements in large doses at once instead of gradually increasing the dose.

Negative interactions with some medications, such as the following drugs: antidepressants, and cholesterol-lowering drugs.

Low blood sugar levels, especially when these supplements are taken by diabetics.

Possible complications when these supplements are taken by people with digestive problems, such as: intestinal obstruction and Crohn's disease.


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