Omega 3 acid and what are the most important benefits and sources?

Omega 3 acid and what are the most important benefits and sources?

Fatty acids are considered one of the most important vital elements useful in the prevention of many diseases, and they are used in the manufacture of some nutritional supplements, and among these acids, omega-3 acid.

The body does not produce omega-3, but the body derives this type of fatty acid through some different types of foods.

What is an omega-3 acid?

Omega-3 acid is known as one of the fatty acids that are found in abundance in fish, as this acid is responsible for the production of many substances that work to maintain the balance of vital processes in the human body, such as:-

 Maintain a balanced blood pressure.

 Prevention of normal and cancerous tumors.

 Maintain appropriate body temperature.

 Fighting and preventing infections that may affect the body.

 Reducing the feeling of pain as a result of some problems and diseases.

 Treatment of blood clotting, which may sometimes lead to clots.

 Treatment and prevention of allergic diseases.

It is known that omega-3 works as one of the most important nutritional supplements, especially in the stages of childhood and lactation, because of its important role in the proper development of the child, and the normal growth of the brain and brain, even during pregnancy and the presence of the child as a fetus in the mother’s womb.

Omega 3 provides the child with important nutrients that help him in the learning stages, protect him from behavioral disorders that he may suffer from, as well as prevent concentration disorders and confusion.

Omega 3 acid and what are the most important benefits and sources?

What are the main benefits of omega 3?

1- Triglycerides:-

Omega-3 acid protects the body from the risks of atherosclerotic diseases, because of its important role in reducing the percentage and quantities of triglycerides.

As taking medicinal doses of them 3 to 4 times a day, or taking fish oils, leads to lowering triglyceride levels by up to 30%.

2- Depression:-

Some recent medical studies have proven a direct relationship between omega-3 acid consumption and depression, as people who regularly eat fish or fish products have lower rates of mental illnesses such as depression.

That is, the higher the consumption of omega-3, the lower the risk of depression, especially in the postpartum period for women, and the rates of behavioral disorders decrease.

3- Brain health:-

When providing the body with sufficient omega-3 acid on a regular basis, this is considered important to maintain the health of the brain and brain, and protect them during the stages of human life, as this reduces the incidence of deterioration in mental, intellectual and intellectual abilities if the person reaches the stage of old age.

As the aging stages of man begin to lose omega-3 levels regularly in brain cells, and this may lead to Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, so it is always recommended to eat foods containing this type of fatty acid.

4- Heart health:-

One of the most prominent medical information common among the general public is that eating fish oils as a source rich in omega-3 acid reduces the incidence of cardiovascular and heart diseases.

Fish oil also reduces the risk of heart failure, and thus reduces death rates, affects cardiac ventricular functions, and protects it from ventricular fibrillation diseases.

 What are the sources of omega-3 acid?

 Fish and seafood in general are a major source and rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

 Omega-3 may be found in some vegetable oils, such as soybean oil and flaxseed oil.

 Dairy products in general, such as eggs, yogurt, and some natural juices.


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