Zinc benefits for Fitness

 Zinc benefits for Fitness

The importance of zinc in the human body

Zinc is one of the most important elements of life in the human body, on which it depends in many functions, and the importance of zinc lies in its role as a complement to the work of more than 300 enzymes in the human body, in addition to that it works to repair tissues and cells and strengthens immunity in general, zinc is necessary for the production of proteins And nucleic acids, and the amount of zinc in the human body is concentrated in the muscles, especially in the white and red blood cells, and it is found in the pancreas, bones and semen, and there is great importance for zinc for adults and children, as it helps the body to control growth properly, in addition to the growth and development of the reproductive organs It also helps in healing wounds and burns.

What are the benefits of zinc for Fitness?

It plays a very important role in increasing the speed of chemical reactions that help build muscle.

It plays an important role in maintaining the stability of protein structures in the body.

Helps regulate hormone levels, especially testosterone and estrogen, and testosterone has an important and effective role in the growth and building of muscles, and contributes to gaining the body muscle mass that bodybuilders are keen on, and the main goal of bodybuilding exercises is to stimulate the secretion of testosterone, and quite the opposite to estrogen.

It plays a major role in maintaining muscle structure and preventing cell breakdown.

It helps in strengthening the immune system; Which contributes to reducing diseases, which in turn weaken the muscles.

It works to delay the signs of aging, and thus slows down the loss of body muscles.

Recommended doses of zinc

The daily dose of zinc for normal people is 11 mg for men and 8 mg for women, and these doses are for adults and gradually decrease based on the age of the person, but the recommended doses for a bodybuilder are 30 mg on a daily basis, because he will lose a large part through sweating and exerting effort in exercises, with Taking into account that excessive doses of zinc for long periods hinder the absorption of iron and copper in the body, which leads to anemia, so the instructions of specialists must be adhered to in this regard.

The best time for zinc

Many people who suffer from a lack of zinc in their bodies wonder about the best time for zinc, and we answer here that it is best to take it at least an hour before eating or two hours after eating; As this helps to obtain the greatest possible effectiveness as a result of the body being more able to absorb zinc at these times, and in the event of discomfort or some digestive disorders, zinc should be taken with meals and not before or after, by swallowing with water or juice, taking care Avoid taking it with other supplements like calcium or iron, and pair it with a copper supplement instead.

On average, women need an amount equivalent to 8 mg of zinc per day, while pregnant and lactating women need 14 mg per day, and men need at least 11 mg per day, and the maximum permissible daily dose of zinc is 40 mg; As an excess of this limit may lead to serious side effects in the long run.

The amount of zinc in different zinc pills

The amount of zinc varies according to the shape of the pills, so it is necessary to pay attention to this point to determine the amount that should be eaten daily as follows:

Zinc sulfate: provides 22% of the RDI; Whereas, a dose of about 220 mg of zinc gives 50 mg of zinc.

Zinc Citrate: Provides 34% of zinc, so if you want to get 50 mg of zinc, you must take 146 mg of zinc citrate.

Zinc Gluconate: Provides 13% of zinc, so if you want to get 50 mg of zinc, you must take 385 mg of gluconate.

Zinc monomethionine: It provides 21% of zinc, so if you want to get 50 mg of zinc, you must take 238 mg of zinc monomethionine.

How can zinc be obtained?

Zinc has many sources, including what is in our daily food, and some of it is taken through food supplements, and the following are some food sources rich in it:

Oysters: Oysters contain a high amount of zinc; For example, eating 6 medium-sized oysters provides the body with 32 mg of zinc.

Red meat: Each 100 grams of meat contains 4.8 mg of zinc.

Nuts: especially cashews and almonds.

Dark Chocolate: Eating 100 grams of chocolate provides the body with 3.3 mg of zinc.

Dairy: Zinc in dairy products is more effectively absorbed than others.

Eggs: Eggs contain a moderate amount of zinc, in addition to its other benefits.

Some vegetables: There are some vegetables; Potatoes, sweet potatoes, green beans and cabbage contain good amounts of zinc.

Legumes: They contain moderate amounts of zinc, such as lentils, beans and chickpeas; Every 100 grams of legumes contains 1 mg of zinc.

Zinc supplement

Zinc supplements are only a way to supply the body with this element directly, and there are reputable brands that manufacture nutritional supplements that contain zinc, but it is not recommended to take them in large doses and at continuous intervals on a regular basis except with the advice of a doctor, and any nutritional supplement should not be taken unless Follow the specialist and abide by his instructions, and not individually, so as not to cause any physical problems, God forbid.


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