Simple Meal Plan To Lose Weight

 Simple Meal Plan To Lose Weight

Many people fail to maintain weight within the normal limits, and in order to get rid of excess weight and ensure that it does not return again, public health and nutrition experts advise putting the following points in mind, as a roadmap to getting rid of excess weight and maintaining weight within normal limits, and the following the details:

Eat your food in peace

Spend at least 20 minutes eating your meal slowly. Because this is one of the most important healthy habits that lead to slimming without a complex diet plan. Enjoy every last bite you eat until the bell rings. Especially since fast food provides great pleasure even in its smallest parts and leads to the filling of the body with hormones. As for devouring food quickly, it leads to overeating.

Sleep more

Sleeping an extra hour each night can help a person lose an average of 14 pounds (a pound equals 450 grams) per year, according to a researcher at the University of Michigan who was overseeing the 2,500-calorie-a-day consuming program. The scenario shows that when you replace sleep with inactive activities - which means eating multiple snacks - you can effortlessly cut calories by 6%, and results may vary from person to person.

Eat more vegetables

Eat three kinds of vegetables with dinner every night, instead of just one, and you'll find yourself eating more without even thinking about it. It's a huge variety that tricks people into eating more food - eating more fruits and vegetables is a great way to lose weight. The high fiber and water content makes you feel full with fewer calories. You can also cook it without adding fat. Season them with lemon juice and herbs instead of dousing them with fat-rich sauces.

When the soup comes, the weight goes away

Add soup daily to your meals so that you feel full with fewer calories. Think soup, and broth is useful, especially at the beginning of a meal, as it slows down your eating and limits your appetite.

 Start with low-sodium broth or canned soup, add fresh or frozen vegetables and bring to a simmer. Beware of fatty soups, which can be high in fat and calories.

Whole grains

Whole grains such as brown rice, barley, oats, buckwheat, and whole wheat support your lightning-fast weight loss strategy. It helps you feel full with fewer calories, and it can improve your cholesterol level as well. Whole grains are available in many products including pancakes, pizza, cakes, pasta, and whole wheat bread.

Watch your clothes

When you put your clothes on, and discover that they have become a little tight, think carefully and do not neglect this indicator, watch your clothes carefully, and hang your favorite clothes that are suitable for you in a prominent place in the closet so that you can see them every day, with the aim of being an incentive for you to achieve the goal of getting rid of Overweight.

Pizza selection

Choose vegetarian pizzas instead of meat-based pizzas to get rid of the burden of 100 calories in your meal. You can choose pizza with low-fat cheese and choose thin ones, and eat vegetable salad and olive oil.

Gradually reduce sugar

Replacing one sugary drink such as regular soda with water or a zero-calorie drink, thus avoiding about 10 spoonfuls of sugar. Add lemon, mint or frozen strawberries for flavor and fun.

The liquid sugar in soda ignores the body's natural fullness stimuli.

Use a different cup of water

Use a tall, thin glass instead of a short, wide one, to cut back on liquid calories without dieting. You will find yourself drinking 25%-30% less juice, soda, or any other beverage.

How might this affect?

 Visual cues can trick us into consuming more or less, says Dr. Brian Wansink. His tests at Cornell University resulted in all kinds of people pouring more into the short, wide glass — even the most experienced waiter in restaurants.

Green tea

Some studies suggest that drinking green tea can speed up how quickly the body burns calories, possibly through the action of phytochemicals called antioxidants. At the very least, you'll get a refreshing drink without a ton of calories.


According to a study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, it was found that women who regularly practice yoga are more aware of their eating style. For example, they tend to notice large portions in restaurants but only eat enough to feel full. Therefore, researchers believe that yoga helps to combat overeating.

Eating at home

Eat home-cooked meals at least five days a week. A consumer survey found that these were usually better. Food outside the home may be mostly rich in calories, but at home you can choose the quality, quantity and method of cooking.

do not hesitate

Most people have a habit of "pause" when they let go of the fork for a few minutes. Wait for this moment and do not take another piece of the plate. Wipe your plate and enjoy chatting with your friends. Because it's a quiet sign that you're full, but not full. Most people miss this important sign.

Chew mint gum

Chew sugar-free gum with a strong flavor in place of any snack, which we feel we must have in the office, at social and business occasions, when watching TV or surfing the Internet.

Reducing the size of the food plates

Choose a 10-inch lunch plate (an inch equals 2.54 centimeters) rather than a 12-inch dinner plate. Dr. Cornell Brian Wansink found, after several tests, that people who work out more eat more medicine General with larger dishes. Now reduce the size of your plate or cooking pot to avoid 100-200 calories per day and 10-20 pounds per year. As Wansink's tests showed, no one felt hungry or even noticed when the visual trick could cut back 200 calories for their daily intake.

Get the right rations

One of the most important habits of skinny people is to stick to a set amount of food in each simple meal, five days a week or more. That's what "always skinny" people do and successful losers do too, according to a Consumer Reports study. It can become an automatic habit when you pay attention to the amounts eaten several times. Make this easier by using smaller "snack" cans and by keeping serving dishes off the table at mealtime.

Try the 80-20 rule

Americans' eating habits are conditioned on continuing to eat until they feel full, but Okinawans eat until they are 80% full. They even have a name for this natural slimming habit: hara-hachi-bu. And we can adopt this healthy habit by using food plates that are 20% smaller, according to research by Dr. Brian Wansink, whose studies show that most people don't miss them.

Eating plan

Restaurant meals are known to cause obesity, so consider these special requests that keep meals in check:

 Share the main course with a friend.

 Order an appetizer.

 Choose the plate for children.

 Get half of the meal in the doggie bag before it is put on the table.

 Complete the smallest main dish with an extra salad for the right balance: fill half the plate with vegetables.

Choose a low-fat sauce

Choose a low-fat sauce, such as tomato sauce, as it is much lower in calories and fat than creamy sauces. And remember, serving size is the primary metric. Tomato sauce with pasta should be about 1 cup or about the size of a tennis ball.

Cut back on meat

Eating vegetarian meals more often is a good habit to lose weight. Where vegetarians usually weigh less than those who eat meat in their diet. While there are several reasons for this, legumes may play an important role. Bean burgers, lentil soup, and other delicious legume-based foods are packed with fiber. Most Americans get only half of this important nutrient, which fills their stomachs with fewer calories.

Burn 100 more calories

Lose 10 pounds in a year without dieting by burning 100 extra calories each day.

Try one of these activities:

 Walk 1 kilometer, about 20 minutes.

 Home garden care for 20 minutes.

 Mow the lawn for 20 minutes.

 Clean the house for 30 minutes.

 Jog for 10 minutes.

Celebrate when you achieve your goal

When you achieve the desired goal of getting rid of excess weight and identifying the road plan towards health and vitality away from excess weight, remember that this is an achievement worthy of honor, so reward yourself by buying a new dress to feel the difference


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