Fitness Bars: Overcoming Common Challenges

 Fitness Bars: Overcoming Common Challenges

Sticking to regular exercise isn't easy. Learn practical tips for overcoming common barriers.Sticking to regular exercise isn't easy. After all, there are many potential drawbacks, such as time, boredom, injury, and self-confidence. However, these issues don't necessarily have to stand in your way. Consider the following practical strategies for overcoming common obstacles to getting fit.

1. I don't have much time to exercise

Taking the time to exercise can be challenging. So, use a little creativity to make the most of your day.

Include periods of short walks in your day: If you don't have time for a full workout, don't worry. Doing brisk exercise for shorter periods, such as 10 minutes of walking spaced throughout the day, isn't without its benefits, too.

Get up early: If the day is busy and the night is rough, get up 30 minutes early twice a week to exercise. Once you adjust to exercising early in the morning, add another day or two to your routine.

Drive less, walk more: Park in the last row of the garage or even a few blocks away and walk to your destination.

Revamp your rituals: Change up your playing habits with your kids or a best friend during the weekend by cycling, taking rock-climbing lessons, or going to the pool.

2. I think exercise is boring

It's normal to feel sick of repetitive exercise day in and day out, especially if you exercise alone. But exercise doesn't have to be boring.

Choose activities that you enjoy: That way, you'll probably still be interested. And remember that anything that requires you to move is important.

Diversify your routines: Do multiple activities, such as walking, swimming and cycling, to stay active while conditioning different muscle groups.

Join groups: Play sports with friends, relatives, neighbors or co-workers. This is how you will enjoy the company and encouragement of the group.

Learn new options: Learn new skills while you exercise. Check out sports classes or sports sessions at the recreation center or health club.

3. I'm ashamed of what I'm going to look like

Don't underestimate yourself! Remind yourself that you are doing your cardiovascular health a great service, and focus on how much strength you will feel after exercising.

Avoid crowds: If you feel uncomfortable about exercising with others, start alone first. Try an exercise video imitation or try an activity-based video game. Or consider investing the time by switching on a stationary bike, treadmill, stair-climbing machine, or other household equipment for exercise.

Focus on the future: Praise yourself for making a commitment to your health. And remember, the more fit you are and the more comfortable you are about exercising, the more confident you'll likely be, too.

4. I feel too tired to exercise after work

Don't have the energy to exercise? Well, without exercise, you wouldn't have energy either. It's a vicious circle. But by breaking this cycle with physical activity, you are giving yourself the best gift for her.

Try a little exercise in the morning: Remember the suggestion to get up 30 minutes early for your workout? Hop on the treadmill or stationary bike while you're enjoying the radio or watching the morning news. Or take a brisk walk outside.

Make lunchtime useful: Keep walking shoes at your desk and take a brisk walk during your lunch break.

Be prepared: Make sure you have comfortable shoes and loose-fitting clothes for exercising, and wear them when you go to the mall or travel.

5. I feel too lazy to exercise

If you're feeling tired just thinking about going for a jog in the morning, try these tips:

Set realistic expectations: If your mental barrier is too high, you may give up without even trying. Start by walking around the block. And don't give up if you feel tired. Go on another walk around the block the next day. And do it until you finally find that you no longer feel tired.

Work as you are, not against it: Plan to be active when you tend to feel more energetic, or at least when you're not feeling lazy.

Schedule exercise as you would any other important date: make time for physical activity, make sure your friends and family know about this commitment, and ask for encouragement and support.

6. I am not an athlete

Natural athletic ability is not a prerequisite for physical activity. Even if you've been idle for a while, it's never too late to get more active.

Keep it simple: Try simple exercises, such as walking daily. Start slowly and give your body a chance to get used to the increased activity.

Find company: Choose an activity you love, such as dancing or gardening, and invite friends to join you. That way, you'll enjoy what you're doing while helping each other exercise.

Quit the competition: Don't bother to become a sports star or join the strong body athletes in the fitness club. Simply focus on the positive changes you are making to your body and mind.

7. I've tried exercise before and failed

Don `t give up. You may not be able toIt's safe to see a lower cholesterol level or a reduced risk of diabetes, but that doesn't mean you're not doing yourself a great favor. Reevaluate what went wrong and learn from it.

Be yourself: start with simple exercises and progress to more intense exercises later when your body is ready.

Set realistic goals: Don't promise to exercise for an hour a day and then get frustrated when you fall short. Stick to goals you can easily achieve, such as exercising for 20 minutes a day, three times a week for the first month.

And remember why you exercise: Use your personal fitness goals as motivation, and reward yourself when you achieve those goals.

8. I can't afford the spa

You don't need a fancy gym membership to do a great workout. Consider popular alternatives.

Do strength training at home: Use inexpensive resistance bands (rubber tubes of different lengths) instead of weights. Do push-ups or squats using your body weight.

Create a walking group: Gather friends, neighbors, and co-workers to go on regular group walking tours. Take roads in your neighborhood, near your workplace, along local trails and parks, or near a mall.

Use the stairs: take the elevator whenever possible. Better yet, make climbing stairs an exercise in itself.

Try a community center in your area: Exercise classes offered by community education groups or local recreation centers might fit your budget, than an annual gym membership would.

Picture of a woman doing sports

9. I am afraid of hurting myself if I do sports

If you're worried about getting injured, get off to a good start.

Take things calmly: start with a simple walking program. As you gain confidence in your abilities, add other activities to your routine.

Try our Sports Activity Classes for Beginners: you'll learn the basics by starting from scratch.

Get help from the professionals: Get private fitness lessons from a certified expert who can monitor your movements and point you in the right direction. If you've had a previous injury, you may first want to see a sports medicine doctor who can evaluate your condition and recommend specific treatment, such as physical therapy.

10. My family does not support me in my efforts

Remind those close to you of the benefits of regular exercise and gather them to watch.

Do activities with your children: Sign up for parent-child exercise classes. Go for a lunch picnic and take your family to the park for a game of chase or kick ball. Swim with the kids in the pool instead of watching them from your seat.

Suggest a new adventure: Instead of suggesting your friends work out at the gym, invite them to climb walls in indoor gyms or rent a two-seater bike for weekend walks.

Double your tasks: volunteer to drop off your teens at the mall and then go on walking tours while you wait for them. Try this trick at the child's school during lessons, rehearsals, or training shows.

If necessary, be sure to have a frank conversation with your loved one. If they don't share your ambitions for fitness, ask them to at least respect your desire to get fit.


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