How To Gain Weight Super Fast And In A Healthy Way

  How To Gain Weight Super Fast And In A Healthy Way

How to gain weight super fast?

Do you find it difficult to gain weight? Do you want to know how to gain weight? ..

We often hear complaints such as:

"I've tried many things and nothing works", "I can eat a ton of food but no matter what I eat I can't gain weight!".

How to gain weight?

Losing or gaining weight is a simple rule, if more calories than you burn you will gain weight, if fewer calories than you burn you will lose weight.

Besides eating the right amount of calories and the right types of food, there are a few other things you need to do on a daily basis if you want to gain weight.

How to gain weight super fast?

If you really want to gain some weight, you should apply these important factors and tips.

In the following lines, you will find your guide to how to gain weight.


Keep your workouts short and more effective to get the most benefit.

Your workouts shouldn't be longer than an hour, try to make the training session no more than 40 minutes, and it should be high intensity, but fast, and don't waste too much time on rest.


Be as lazy as possible.

Getting advice to be lazy may seem strange but it will help you a lot in gaining weight.

"Don't run when you can walk, don't walk when you can stand, don't stand when you can sit, and don't sit when you can sleep," this may help but don't make it a habit.


Eating should become a habit, nutrition is the most important thing to gain weight.

You may have a high metabolic rate and this means that even if you eat 3 large meals a day, you are burning them, you need to increase your meals and split them up throughout the day, about 5: 6 meals a day, of course it will be a little smaller.


You need to eat more calories than you burn.

Calories vary from person to person and I can't tell you how many calories you need to consume, but you can start by knowing your BP (basal metabolic rate) which is the amount of calories it takes to keep you alive. It's on a day to day basis.

The simple rule is if you are not gaining weight or you are finding it difficult to gain weight you are not eating enough, even if you think you do.

Nutritional supplements

Do not rely on supplements.

Supplements are just add-ons, complements, they should not be used as a substitute for the main thing which is food..

But you can use it in addition to your regular meals to help you gain weight quickly, as long as it doesn't replace a meal.

You should take great care of eating a lot of protein if you want to gain weight, especially before bedtime because the body will slow down during sleep and burn fewer calories..

And if you want to use some nutritional supplement, you should know that it is wrong for everyone who is trying to gain weight to take a protein supplement drink that contains few calories and ingredients to burn fat and things like caffeine and several other ingredients .. because some of these ingredients are the things that will make you You burn a lot of calories or make it difficult for you to eat due to ingredients that reduce appetite. There is no doubt that it is difficult to gain weight, but rather you cause you to lose your current weight.

We should use a consultation and ask someone familiar with nutritional supplement products to advise you which product is right for you and will not harm you and will benefit you and help you achieve your weight gain goals and get good results.

You should do this if you plan to use a supplement before purchasing.


Diversity in training.

This is a tip for anyone who does bodybuilding, it is difficult to gain weight without working with this advice.

The training should be diversified and your training process should be different, either by changing the forms and types of exercises and changing their usual order, changing the training schedule, changing the weights, changing the number of sets and reps for each exercise.

It is advised to change every few weeks, and this will help you avoid the problem of weight stability.

Steps to gain weight quickly and in a healthy way

It is not easy to intentionally change weight, whether it is losing or gaining it. Over time, your body develops a kind of "set point" for weight which can be difficult to change.

Whether you are underweight due to a health condition or a rapid metabolic rate, or you want to build muscle weight, the strategies for healthy weight gain are often the same.

Here are 7 tips to gain weight with the best healthy, safe, and natural strategies:

Increase the amount of calories you eat

An athlete who wants to gain muscle weight should strategically increase calories.

Eat plenty of high-calorie, or energy-dense (energy-dense) foods, such as meats that are high in protein, healthy fats, and whole grains.

Eat anything you want, cakes, cookies or biscuits, milkshakes, they are all high in calories, just aim to consume more calories.

Eating too much

Eating more food and food will help you consume more calories.

If you feel full easily, thenTry to eat 5 to 7 meals a day instead of the usual 3 meals.

Increase calories

Add toppings to your meals to boost calories.

Add nuts to oats, yogurt, and salads.

Sprinkle cheese on soups, scrambled eggs, and omelettes in your meals.

Add ground flaxseeds to protein shakes and smoothies.

Add olive oil to salads.

You can even have a spoonful of peanut butter at every meal.

Try liquids

Are you having difficulty chewing? Are you tired? Don't want to cook?

Liquid calories in the form of nutrient-rich shakes can be a great choice.

These high-calorie shakes are rich in nutrients but less filling than, say, apples.

"The stomach doesn't feel the calories, it senses the volume."

Drink fluids between meals

Instead of drinking zero-calorie drinks with meals, drink them throughout the day so that you eat more at mealtime.

"You don't want to be so full and bloated that you don't have room for anything else."

Plus, if you're drinking high-calorie drinks, you'll get extra calories, protein, carbs, and fats without having to think too much about it.

Eat healthy fats

If you're healthy but underweight, or an athlete who wants to gain muscle, one of the best ways to gain weight is to eat healthy fats, such as nuts, nut butter, avocado, and fatty fish like salmon.

If you are chronically ill or have age-related decreased appetite, try all of the above in addition to full-fat dairy products, such as cream cheese, sour cream, heavy whipping cream, and full-fat ice cream.

Keep exercising

Exercise is important to increase muscle building, increase physical strength, and improve general and psychological health.

Exercising also helps you gain weight (strength exercises and resistance exercises are especially helpful), and regular exercise also increases your appetite.


So you have the answer to your question.. How to gain weight? And you know how to gain weight you only need the application..

I know the road is tough and hard but it's not impossible, good luck with training and gaining weight!


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