Healthy Eating

Healthy Eating


Eating well is essential to staying healthy and aging well.

In this sheet, discover the main principles of food, basic nutritional needs, the benefits of a good diet, how to eat well in practice and how a consultation with a nutritionist takes place.

The Main Principles Of a Good Diet

How To Eat Well?

The vast majority of food specialists, whether or not they are from the official milieu, agree on a multitude of principles that can serve as our guides.

A balanced diet

It is advisable to choose foods from the different food groups.

Vegetables and fruits (half of the plate), cereal products (a quarter of the plate), meat and alternatives (the other quarter), to which we will add a calcium intake, by consuming products dairy, for example.


Thus, your meal will contain a good dose of carbohydrates, enough protein and little fat.


A Varied Diet

To achieve the necessary range of nutrients and avoid deficiencies, one must not only consume foods from each food group every day, but several foods from each group.


Fresh And Good Quality Food

Fresh, local food is recommended. Refined products and hydrogenated fats should be avoided.


Eat In Reasonable Quantity

Excess weight promotes the appearance of many diseases and considerably reduces life expectancy.

A slightly low-calorie diet (but without nutrient deficiencies) maintained over the long term could help prevent certain cancers and increase longevity. In addition, it limits oxidation and prevents clogging.

An example of an adjustment: systematically reduce, by a quarter or a third, the portions of foods high in calories (pasta and rice, for example) and replace them with a nutritious food and low in calories, such as a vegetable.


Tasty Food

In the first place, it is the flavor that determines our food choices. If so many people give up on a diet, it's because it doesn't give them pleasure.

The high salt, sugar and fat content of processed foods seems to be increasingly appreciated and is even, among young people, becoming the norm.

To counterbalance the attraction of these “over-favorite” dishes, you have to treat yourself to healthy foods that you particularly appreciate and prepare them in a tasty way. To this, you can add herbs, many of which are a good source of nutrients.


Eat Mindfully

By taking your time and savoring each bite, mindful eating is an effective technique for learning to rediscover the flavors of food, while reducing the proportions of food absorbed during a meal.


Adopt Chrono-Nutrition

Chrono-nutrition consists of eating in a certain way according to the different times of the day. It is advisable to eat fat in the morning, dense at noon and light in the evening.

In the long term, this technique allows you to regain your healthy weight and improve your state of health.


Manage Your Meals

For optimal nutritional intake and to avoid weight gain, it is essential to be organized.

Indeed, unbalanced meals are often due to improvisation. This is why it is recommended to plan the evening before the content of breakfast and each morning what the meals of the day will contain.


Be Careful When Cooking

To preserve all the benefits of food, it is preferable to cook at low temperature below 100°C because the high temperature distorts the properties of food.

Grilling, which contains a lot of free radicals, should be limited. The microwave should also be avoided because it distorts the chemical form of food.


Basic Nutritional Needs

The basic nutritional needs to know can be divided into two categories:

  • and micronutrients (vitamins, trace elements), which are essential for the assimilation, transformation and proper use of macronutrients.


The Proteins

Protein is essential for a balanced diet. They help the proper functioning of the organs thanks to the amino acids of which they are made:



  1. Isoleucine
  1. Leucine
  1. Lysine
  1. Methionine
  1. Phenylalanine
  1. Threonine
  1. Tryptophan
  1. Valine

Our cells need these eight essential amino acids and the absence of just one of these amino acids blocks protein synthesis, essential for the reconstruction of our DNA.


Lipids are the basis for the manufacture of all our cells, our hormonal system, and all our cell membranes. They bringenergy necessary for the functioning of the body and regulate multiple physiological functions.

The omega-3s contained in food are essential for a good diet. You have to know how to choose your oils with quality fatty acids rich in monounsaturated (olive oil) and polyunsaturated (rapeseed oil) fatty acids.



Carbohydrates are just as essential to provide energy to our body. Foods, sources of carbohydrates, are starchy foods (cereals, legumes, potatoes, rich in starch), green vegetables, sweet products and fresh and dried fruits.


The Three Types Of Carbohydrates Are:


  • Simple sugars
  • Complex sugars

It is best to avoid white sugar and brown sugar which are refined and addictive. These are present in sweets, confectionery and sugary drinks.


Today's diet is increasingly poor in micronutrients, because cultivation methods (use of pesticides, fungicides, etc.), food extraction methods (refining, high temperatures), cooking methods ( microwave, frying) and preservation methods destroy these micronutrients.


Micronutrients cannot be produced by the body and must therefore be provided by a varied, balanced and good quality diet.

Essential to the body, their deficiencies create imbalances responsible for a large number of symptoms (inflammation, sleep disorders, memory disorders, mood disorders, digestive disorders). In addition, they protect us from free radicals.

The major antioxidant vitamins are vitamins A E, C, which are contained in fruits, vegetables, green tea.


Vitamin A Tones The Eye Area;

Vitamin C helps the body to manufacture collagen, which ensures the cohesion, elasticity and regeneration of connective tissue. It also has an action on the immune system and is present in the liver, brain and endocrine glands;

The vitamin E contained in vegetable oils plays an important role on the membrane of the intestines, therefore in the digestive process. Powerful antioxidant, it works in synergy with vitamin C.

As for other vitamins, the B vitamins are useful for the nervous system, vitamin D is involved in hundreds of functions in the body, vitamin K is essential for normal blood clotting and plays a role in bone consolidation.

Care should be taken not to consume too many cereals and legumes, which in large quantities cause poor digestion and block the assimilation of nutrients due to the anti-nutrients they contain (lectins, phytates, saponins, etc. ).



The Assimilation Of Food

Digestion begins in the mouth and isn't even complete 2 days later.

During this process, countless chemical transformations take place in which various enzymes and several organs collaborate.

In addition, many personal characteristics influence the way our body assimilates nutrients:


  • Age
  • Health status 
  • Food allergies or intolerances
  • The amount of fatty tissue
  • Nutrient stores in the body
  • The type of work
  • Physical activity 
  • The quality of sleep
  • Tobacco use
  • The emotional and nervous state
  • The time at which meals are taken
  • Posture while eating, etc.

The process of assimilation is so complex that we have always advocated all sorts of approaches supposed to better suit our digestive system:


  • Vegetarianism
  • The choice of food according to one's blood group
  • Acid-base balance
  • Food combinations
  • Raw foodism
  • The various diets (Montignac, Pritikin, Kousmine method)
  • Chinese dietetics
  • Ayurvedic diet.

In addition, public health agencies in most countries publish official food guides that are constantly evolving.

But, even today, specialists do not agree among themselves and new food hypotheses appear regularly.


The Benefits Of a Good Diet

The list of benefits of a good diet is long, depending on the environment, the emotions, the food source, the method of cooking, the physiology of the individual and his ability to assimilate nutrients.



Maintain Acid-Base Balance

As we age, tissues tend to acidify, which results in demineralization. The liver is the most important deacidifying organ.

According to most specialists, the white sugars contained in pastries, sweets, meats, sausages, preserves, industrial drinks and many other foods are acidifying if they are abused.

It is Pwhy it is essential to balance your diet with alkalizing foods (such as minerals), and to oxygenate the tissues by practicing physical activity.


Optimize Digestion

Some tips help digestion, such as taking the time to sit down during a meal (avoiding eating in front of the computer or television).

Mindful chewing allows the brain to transmit the feeling of satiety, and the digestive system to perform its salivary secretion functions in order to make the crushed food more assimilable.


Protect The Intestinal Ecosystem (Or Microbiota)

The intestinal ecosystem requires a nutritional and emotional balance in order to be optimal.

The ecosystem is made up of our intestinal flora, but also "friendly" bacteria, which ensure good digestion, contribute to the immune system and act on multiple functions in the body (appetite, assimilation of nutrients, etc.).

In order to multiply, they need fiber, polyphenols, omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D.


Avoid Fatigue And Food Compulsions

Avoiding snacking helps to ensure the proper functioning of our biological rhythm (circadian). This helps regulate blood sugar and the entire metabolism to avoid fatigue and sudden cravings for food.


Preserve Our Liver With a Light And Easy To Digest Diet

This therefore consists of limiting foods that are too fatty, overcooked, too sweet, and alcohol.

Favor a diet devoid of toxins and pollutants that can slow down the metabolism and make it sick.


Fight Against Certain Cancers

Certain foods such as turmeric, green tea and pepper reduce the risk of developing certain cancers.

On the other hand, excessive consumption of meat promotes the appearance of colorectal cancer.


 How To Eat Well In Practice?

There are 7 major food families, all essential to a balanced diet.



This family contains eggs, charcuterie, seafood, meats.

These foods mainly provide proteins and lipids as well as certain vitamins essential to the functioning of the nervous system and the mineralization of bones (B1, B2, D).


Milk And Dairy Products

In this family, we find yogurts, cheeses and of course milk.

These products provide proteins, lipids, calcium, phosphorus as well as vitamin A, D, B2 and B12. They are therefore mainly involved in the construction of bones.

At too high a dose, dairy products can promote the appearance of prostate cancer.


Fruits And Vegetables

Dried fruits, oilseeds, frozen, fresh vegetables, etc. The products of this family are very rich in water, which allows the body to stay hydrated. They provide carbohydrates, vitamins (A and C), calcium and dietary fiber, which contribute to good digestion.


Fatty Substances

This family contains the most caloric foods:


  • Butter 
  • Margarines
  • Oil

Fats provide energy, vitamins (A, D, E) as well as omega 3 and omega 6.


Sugar And Sweet Products

Comprising mainly carbohydrates and minerals (magnesium), sweet products provide energy. Even if they provide a lot of pleasure, it is advisable not to abuse them, because they do not have a very important nutritional interest.


The Drinks

Our body is made up of more than 60% water. It is the basis of a healthy diet since it helps to dilute the acids in the body.

Good hydration is essential for good physical shape and for cleansing the body.

Specialists consider that an adult should drink between 1.5 and 2 liters of water per day, i.e. 4 to 6 glasses of water, light tea, herbal tea, soup, or even more depending on the ambient heat and activity. physical.


Cereals And Starches

Rice, pasta, breads, potatoes, etc. Foods belonging to this category satisfy the feeling of hunger and provide a lot of energy. They contain protein, carbohydrates, magnesium, iron, dietary fiber and vitamin B.


Some Tips In Practice

It is preferable to consume the fruits outside meals (ideal between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m.) to avoid intestinal fermentation.

Opt for wholemeal or semi-wholemeal bread

In white flour, only the central part of the wheat seed (the starch) is retained. It is therefore preferable to eat bread with semi-wholemeal flour, which contains more vitamins and minerals.

Even better, bread with "natural sourdough", which allows better assimilation of food.


Try The Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean diet consists mainly of:


  • Semi-complete or complete cereals
  • Olive oil 
  • Starches (pasta, rice, potatoes)
  • Legumes
  • Thegreen gums (5 to 15 varieties)
  • Sheep's or goat's cheese
  • Little butter

Oilseeds (walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts), condiments and herbs (garlic, turmeric, onion, thyme, savory, herbs, sweet spices) are added very regularly.

Proteins are provided mainly by poultry, fish, eggs and rarely beef or lamb. Very few sweets. Wine is consumed regularly, but in moderation. The herbal teas are regular and the coffee exceptional.


Nutrition Specialist: Nutritionist, Naturopath Or Doctor

The nutrition specialist can be a naturopath, nutritionist or doctor.


How Is An Appointment With a Nutritionist?

Although the basic nutritional needs are similar for all human beings, an optimal diet will differ for each person and the ideal diet does not exist.

Given the real complexity of nutrition data, it can therefore be useful for most of us to periodically consult a competent person, capable of determining our needs and guiding us in the best nutritional choices. This is the role of the nutritionist and the naturopath.

As far as naturopathy is concerned, this practice aims above all to stimulate the body's natural self-healing mechanisms. First of all, the specialist will have to find where the problem of his patient comes from.

First, he will administer a questionnaire to his patient in order to know his history (anamnesis), his background (the field, childhood), his lifestyle and his eating habits.

Secondly, he will precisely identify the signs and set up the follow-up program. Wise advice, personalized and based on natural means, generally makes it possible to resolve the patient's problem.


Become a Nutrition Expert

Nutrition experts who have received a university education and who are part of a professional order have the reserved title of nutritionist, dietician or dietitian (the designation varies according to the country).

However, other health professionals, such as naturopaths, have very good knowledge on the subject. Indeed, training in naturopathy contains courses in medicine, anatomy, biology.


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